The novel centers around a teenage girl with cancer named Hazel, who finds something she never expected in the support group that her mother and doctor make her join after she is diagnosed with depression. The book follows Hazel and those she meets along the way through various pivotal life moments and experiences.
I would highly recommend that anyone read "The Fault In Our Stars." While it is not the type of book I typically gravitate toward, it is one that I thoroughly enjoyed. (I also recommend tissues, but that's all I am going to say.)
If you would like to try before you buy, you can watch John Green read the first chapter of his book on the youtube channel that he shares with his brother, Hank Green.
The movie version of "The Fault In Our Stars" premieres on June 6, 2014 and stars Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort. You can watch the trailer for the movie below.
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